Vallie Brown’s big real-estate money

Vallie Brown’s big real-estate money The landlords, speculators, realtors and developers have clearly chosen a favorite in the D5 supes race. Read more here. Actual donations for 2018 shows Vallie Brown received more than 8 times the amount of donations from the real estate industry compared to Dean Preston.These documents are from the Ethics Commission.

Will Housing Swing the 2020 Election?

Among Democratic candidates for president, the politics of America’s housing affordability crisis are getting complicated. Trump has barged in. Read here for the Democratic presidential candidate proposals for affordable housing. And here for Trump’s support of YIMBYs as his housing solution by removing restrictive local zoning to gut affordable and fair housing.

Wiener quietly turns barber bill into major housing legislation Gut-and-amend strategy puts a version of SB 50 on the legislative fast track. By Hydee Feldstein – June 18, 2019 State Sen. Scott Wiener, as predicted here, has taken an uncontroversial bill about cosmetology licenses and turned it into a complex and detailed piece of housing legislation that would undermine a long list of…

Rent Protections for Entire N.Y. State

Landmark Deal Reached on Rent Protections for Tenants in N.Y. Newly empowered Democrats are trying to address concern over housing costs that is helping to drive the debate over inequality. By Luis Ferré-Sadurní, Jesse McKinley and Vivian Wang June 11, 2019 Newly empowered Democratic leaders in Albany announced a landmark agreement on Tuesday to…

SB 50 On Hold Until 2020

State Senate Appropriations chair Anthony Portantino announced that SB 50, the bill from Scott Wiener that could demolish affordable housing since there are no enforcement provisions for preventing the demolition, has been held for the year and will eligible again in 2020.