Protection from Eviction for COVID-related Nonpayment of Rent After 3/31/22 Overridden

Protection from Eviction for COVID-related Nonpayment of Rent After 3/31/22 Overridden Assembly Bill 2179 stopped this legislation: The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed (therefore can override a mayor veto) Supervisor Dean Preston’s legislation that would have covered April 2022 rent and each month thereafter through the end of the COVID emergency, making COVID-related…


Nonpayment of Rent Updates

Nonpayment of COVID-Related Rent After 3/31/22 The new SF program through may be approving rental assistance for rent due after March 2022. Check for updates for eviction protections. Nonpayment of Rent After March 2020 to March 2022 Assembly Bill 2179 passed so those who applied for rent relief before March 31 will be able…


10-Day Eviction Warning Legislation on Hold

10-Day Eviction Warning Legislation on Hold Landlords have sued to stop the 10-day warning legislation before eviction that was passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. This legislation is on hold: Supervisor Dean Preston’s legislation extending a 10 day waiting period after 3 day notices before a landlord can file an Unlawful Detainer (court…


Eviction Notices

Eviction Notices If for any reason a tenant receives eviction papers, they should immediately contact the Eviction Defense Collaborative at (415) 659-9184 or to be connected with a City-funded attorney from our Tenant Right to Counsel Program. A full list of resources is available at


Eviction Protections Flow Chart

Eviction Protections Flow Chart Update: If Assembly Bill 2179 passes (vote expected 3/31/22) then those who applied for rent relief before March 31 will be able to stay in their homes until at least July 1. (Emergency COVID protections are in place until June 30.) However, Assembly Bill 2179 would override the local eviction moratorium.…


Right-To-Organize Passed by SF Supervisors

Right-To-Organize Passed by SF Supervisors The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed an ordinance requiring landlords to recognize the right of tenants in buildings with at least five units to organize. The ordinance, introduced by Supervisor Aaron Peskinin October of last year, also requires that landlords or a representative meet with the associations up…



TAX ON VACANT APARTMENTS A report published last week by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Legislative Analyst showed that one of every ten residential units in San Francisco—more than 40,000 homes—is vacant. With more than 8,000 unhoused persons in the city, this means that there are more than four times more empty homes than…


Veritas Investments Announces New Program to Forgive Uncovered Portions of Back-Rent Owed by Residential Tenants

Veritas Investments Announces New Program to Forgive Uncovered Portions of Back-Rent Owed by Residential Tenants Veritas Investments — SF’s largest landlord, which owns and manages some 250 residential properties in the city — announced this week it will not require tenants to pay their overdue rent caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In what’s being described…
