Local Rental Assistance Program Open

Local Rental Assistance Program Open https://sf.gov/renthelp Apply to get help with your rent. Starting May 28, 2021, apply to get up to 3 months’ back and forward rent for a total of 6 months. Cost is free. You can apply online or get help with your application for free through a community partner organization. Rent…


Ellis Act Reform

Ellis Act Reform For information on the reform of the Ellis Act, Assembly Bill 854 (Assemblyman Lee), which has been used to evict long-term senior and disabled tenants to re-rent at higher rents, refer to the sponsor’s factsheet and video. Thursday, April 15, 2021, the Assembly Housing Committee votes on AB 854. Three committee Democrats—Jesse Gabriel…


Prop I Funding Victory!

Prop I Funding Victory! Voters demanded it, and we delivered: The Board of Supervisors approved last week the first round of Prop I funding — more than $20 million — to go to rent relief and permanently affordable, social housing. This is a huge win. Thank you everyone who voted for the ballot measure and…


Turn Vacancies into Housing

Turn Vacancies into Housing Tens of thousands of units sit vacant while we largely ignore the single biggest source of potential housing in San Francisco: vacant units.  Fully constructed, ready for residents, but held off the market. Why? And how do we activate them? On March 16, San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston called for a…
